Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oops!...They Did It Again

Bloomsbury. Really? Again?

As if one cover featuring a white girl when the story was about a girl with dark skin wasn't bad enough. You had to go and whitewash the cover of Jaclyn Dolamore's Magic Under Glass.

I appreciate that you've done the right thing and responded to the public outcry* by ceasing to sell the book with the original cover, apologizing and creating a new cover. You did that last time, and it worked out well.

So next time, how about just doing the right thing the first time and creating a cover that reflects the story and the characters? And if you're queasy about putting a person of color on the cover, you could always take the easy way out and not put a person on the cover at all. Just stop it with the white girls on the cover of books about darker skinned girls. Ok?

I'm creating a "whitewashing" tag. Don't dare make me use it again.

...And Little, Brown, don't think you're not being watched. You are.

* Thanks to bookshelves of doom for rounding up all the posts!

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1 comment:

  1. What I find interesting is that this cover is still on the author's website, with not a word about the controversy and the cover change.
    I would have thought that Bloomsbury's design department would have learned something from Liar but it seems not. Or maybe the cost of cover change comes from the publicity budget?
