Saturday, May 22, 2010

On the Way to BEA

Technically I won't be "on my way to BEA" until Monday at 5 o'clock when I board an Amtrak bound for NYC.  That said, I'm still super-pumped about this year's BEA (Book Expo America), which I'll be attending on Wednesday and the SLJ Day of Dialog I'll be attending on Tuesday.

I haven't been to the SLJ Day of Dialog in the past, so other than reading the agenda and knowing what the sessions are, I really have absolutely no idea what to expect.  As a middle school librarian, I'm most excited about the "Care and Keeping of Tweens" session, which I'm hoping will give me insight into the minds of my sixth graders.  They're so different from seventh and eighth graders in terms of maturity and reading interests.  Hopefully I'll get some good stuff!

I attended last year's BEA and was lucky enough to come away with ARCs of Suzanne Collins' Catching Fire and Justine Larbalestier's Liar, among tons of other great titles.  I've been so busy these last couple of weeks, however, that I haven't had time to figure out what'll be available this time.  Thankfully, others have done a bit of that legwork for me, and I've created my list of books to look for from Abby (the) Librarian's list and the Publisher's Weekly list.

I'm going to head off to make my list of ARCs to find and sessions to attend.  I can't wait!


  1. I will be there too! Maybe we can actually get lunch this time.

  2. I was very excited to run into you twice today!! :)
