Friday, February 22, 2013

John Green "Hang's Out" with the President and Talks Coypright

Remember when FDR used to do those fireside chats?  Okay, so you probably don't actually remember them, but you probably learned about them in history class.  Well, President Obama is doing a 21st century version of these chats, called "Fireside Hangouts" which are done via video chat with selected constituents and posted on the web for all to enjoy.  And this week young adult author John Green got to ask President Obama a few important questions, like about why we haven't gotten rid of the penny, stuff about climate change, and what he should name his future child.  And even though the President didn't really answer that last question, he did totally redeem himself.  Just watch!

And on Tuesday he talked copyright on Vlogbrothers.  And it's pretty interesting.  I confess to being kind of a copyright nerd, but even if I wasn't, his firm belief in protecting and promoting creative expression through recognition and fair distribution of royalties is pretty great.

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