Wednesday, March 4, 2009

(Twi)light at the End of the Tunnel!

I work in a public library and am most often stationed at the main reference desk. When I'm not putting my masters degree to good use refilling the paper in the printer I'm most often to be found assisting middle and high school students with their homework and research papers. Kids are always coming in looking for literary criticism on Fitzgerald and Faulkner and others of that ilk.

But I've noticed a trend among the female students. No longer is Jane Austen their go to gal. Nope. It's Emily Bronte.

Something tells me these Edward Cullen loving ladies aren't picking up Wuthering Heights just because they heard it was a fun read. Bella's favorite book has become the book of choice for this year's research paper, and I'll give credit where credit is due.

Good job, Stephenie Meyer! Your fans are moving on from the Twilight saga to bigger and better things. You've inspired throngs of teenage girls to read the classics. Or at least one of them.


  1. !!! I wanted to make a display of all the books Meyers references for the movie but got too lazy. Perhaps I'll do it when we show the movie at the library? That makes more sense anyway, right?

  2. This is super interesting because I just noticed that Amazon recommended The Host to me based on the fact that I told them I own Wuthering Heights. If it hadn't been for reading this post, I would have had no idea where they were coming from with that pairing!
