Here's some tax relief I think we can all get behind...
Whilst roaming the interwebs today I came across a bunch of really cool deals available today only. After you've made your last-minute tax preparations and have your return safely postmarked, be sure to swing by these retailers and take advantage of these deals. And if you hear of any additional ones, put 'em in the comments.
Visit a participating restaurant and hang onto your receipt. The “Tax Relief Day Special” lets you return before April 30 to receive the same order for free.
Stop by Cinnabon from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. for free cinnamon-roll bites. Word on the street is that this freebie is in high demand and quantities are limited, so don't dally!
Maggie Moo’s Ice Cream and Treatery
Get one free scoop of ice cream.
PF Chang ’s China Bistro
Dine at one of P.F. Chang's restaurant locations, and save 15% on the total bill.
T.G.I. Friday’s
Receive a $5 gift card when you spend $15 to $25, or a $10 card for a purchase of more than $25.
There's also a deal at Taco Del Mar, but since I don't know what that is, I'll leave it to you to find the deal in the links below.
Thank you to Yahoo! Finance, AOL's Wallet Pop, and Main Street for alerting me to these tasty forms of tax relief!
I might have to go for a chicken biscuit on Saturday morning.