Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hunger Games Camp: Mini Bow & Arrow Craft

So, I've been recapping the activities we did at my recent Hunger Games Camp.  Thus far, I've covered the Reaping, the Training Center, Target Practice, Remake Center/Opening Ceremonies, and Survival Skills.  Next up is our Mini Bow and Arrow Craft*.

We all know that Katniss Everdeen is a force to be reckoned with when she got a bow and arrow.  This craft uses household items to create cool looking and fast/far shooting miniature bow and arrow sets.

  • Wire hanger
  • Needle Nose Pliers (with snip function)
  • Rubber Bands
  • Coffee-stirrer (I got mine at McDonald's)
  • Q-tips/Cotton Swabs
  • Elmer's All-Purpose Glue
  • Scissors
 Set Up:
  • Use pliers to cut a wire hanger into four pieces (bottom of hanger cut in half, “arms” of hanger cut off)
  • Use the pliers to curl in the ends of the wire**.  This makes the arrow look cool and protects users from the possibly sharp metal edges.  It also provides a spot for the rubber band to hook into.
  • Bracing the center of the wire in two hands, bend it in half about 1/4 of the way.  Again using your hands, bend each half into kind of a rounded moon shape.  The wire should now look kind of like a letter B with no stick/back and curled in ends**.
  • Lay out materials for each set.  This should include:
    • 1 metal bow
    • 1 rubber band
    • 6 Q-tips
    • 6 coffee stirrers
    • glue 
  • Attach one end of the rubber band to one of the curled ends, give the rubber band several twists, then attach it to the other end.  The bow is complete!
  • To make the arrows, cut off one end of each cotton swab.  Glue the swabinto the ends of the coffee straws.
  • Cut a slight notch into the other ends of the straws.
  • Use this miniature bow the same way you would a large one. Be careful where and what you shoot: the arrows will really fly!
*This craft idea was emailed to be by a fantastic librarian who hosted her own Hunger Games event.  I can't seem to find her information, but she found the craft on eHow.  Unfortunately, the link that I used to get to the tutorial just weeks ago doesn't seem to exist anymore.  Luckily, I wrote down, adapted and reorganized/clarified the directions for myself, so I can post it here for you!

**I'm still working on getting pictures.  I know they'll be helpful, and they're coming.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm a relatively new recruit to the Hunger Games world but this sounds absolutely awesome. I'm going to give it a go, thanks for putting this up!
